Gus on Microsoft and Apple
29 Jan 2015 • shapeof.comI’ve been thinking a lot about Microsoft’s HoloLens that was announced yesterday. It looks pretty awesome! Make sure to check out the site, look at the pretty pictures and how they envision HoloLens to be used. Go ahead and get excited about it.
But like that crazy uncle, this is Microsoft and you know not to believe everything that comes out of its mouth. You know deep down that the HoloLens isn’t going to be what they say it is, because it never is with Microsoft.
LOL. Crazy uncle Microsoft.
Software quality issues, botched iOS updates, change fatigue, iCloud problems, iWork feature regressions, app rejections, etc. Did we have a period of time where things were unusually good, and we got used to it? Or are we in a period where things are unusually bad for a time?
Now that is the million dollar question, isn’t it?