Switching from TextMate 2 to Sublime 3

After years of using TextMate I’ve made the switch and purchased Sublime. A large part of the reason was GitSavvy and it’s demo “movies”. An editor I can build entire progamable interfaces inside of? Yes, please. (yeah, yeah, emacs and likely vim users are laughing at me right now - but that’s ok)

subl vs mate

I was left with two gripes (coming from TextMate). The open directory behavior is annoying. If there is an associated project I almost always want to open that, even if I specify a folder as the argument to subl. This is TextMate’s default behavior since ever folder is potentially a project.

Enter subl_with_brains. A small wrapper around subl that applies some rules for project naming and will always choose to open a project (rather than folder) if a project is available. Contributions welcome.


Pasting vs making a mess of your code

Here are my attempts at moving a few lines in both Textmate and Sublime. Sublime always did the wrong thing no matter what. Turns out “Paste” means “Dumb Paste” and you’re supposed to be using “Paste and Indent” which is the nearby Apple-Shift-V.

Very poor choice of default if you ask me. Enter swapping the keystrokes:

// swap the keybindings for paste and paste_and_indent
{ "keys": ["super+v"], "command": "paste_and_indent" },
{ "keys": ["super+shift+v"], "command": "paste" }



Lastly, I’ve been working on a Terminal in a Tab project for Sublime I’ve named Tint. The README has a sample video of the functionality if anyone else might find it helpful. You’ll have to get it from github if you want it right now. I’ve submitted a pull request to Package Control but it hasn’t been approved yet.