iOS 9 in review: Low Power Mode and lowering battery anxiety

So when my iPhone got to 20 percent, I tapped the button to enter Low Power Mode and hoped that it might allow me to go the rest of the night without needing a charge2. And indeed it did! In fact, it seemed like my battery indicator stalled. I went for several more hours with no appreciable loss in battery. The balloon just stopped deflating.

That night, I recharged my iPhone’s battery—once it gets to about 80 percent full, it turns off Low Power Mode automatically, which is a nice touch—and at lunch time the next day I decided to preemptively switch on Low Power Mode. Honestly, I never felt like I was missing much by doing so, and all my anxiety about getting through the day without running out of battery just faded away.

I think this is going to be a great feature for a lot of people.