If You Are Looking for Reasons to Be Happy, You’ll Probably Find Them
06 Jul 2017 • becomingminimalist.comAt almost every moment of the day, because our minds can’t possibly process all the information being fed to us by our senses, we subconsciously focus our attention on certain important elements of our environment while other things blend into the background or pass us by completely unnoticed. In the coffee shop example above, we choose to focus our attention on our conversation with a friend and allow the other noises to blend into the background—selective attention. We do it every day.
But this truth about selective attention extends beyond noise and sight. It also helps to explain the life-changing realization that we can almost always find reasons to support the attitude we want to keep.
Worth a read.
Our attitude is not a response to our present circumstances. It is a decision that we make—every single day.
So true - and I can’t believe how barely cognizant of this fact most people are as they go about their lives.