Dear Blue Apron,
27 Jul 2017 • m.signalvnoise.comOne of my favorite books in the world is Trade Off by Kevin Maney. Kevin explores how successful companies appear to either fully embrace High Convenience or High Fidelity. Fidelity being things like luxury goods or experiential products. A good example of convenience vs. fidelity are MP3s vs. concerts.
Companies that try to be both high fidelity and high convenience fail at both, and fail at attracting customers for the long term.
Some good food for thought in this post (pardon the pun).
We can all probably predict that Amazon isn’t going to get into the business of teaching me to be a better chef. But I really could use the help.
I have always hoped to master some principles of what makes a great recipe. I want to feel confident going into someone’s pantry and inventing a recipe with optimized ratios of salt, sweet, acid, umami, etc.
I second this completely. I haven’t tried Blue Apron yet - but I’ve been tempted - and I have been wanting to learn more about cooking. Seems like perhaps the perfect pairing.