Daring Fireball: Malware Is Freedom


Sundar Pichai, speaking at Mobile World Congress:

We cannot guarantee that Android is designed to be safe, the format was designed to give more freedom. When people talk about 90% of malware for Android, they must of course take into account the fact that it is the most popular operating system in the world. If I had a company dedicated to malware, I would also be addressing my attacks on Android.

The old Windows line of defense: Android is so popular of course it has all the malware. For some reason, though, that’s the only sort of software where Android leads iOS in third-party developer support.

And of course iOS is still VERY popular, and there was surely a time it was the most popular smartphone OS (before Android starting growing in popularity) - yet iOS has never been a real target for malware.

It's just more secure, period.