Yes, the Kindle Fire is less than half the price of the iPad; unfortunately, it’s ...
Building a nice SDoc reference for Rails 3.1 Sep 7
Retina Displays for Code Editing Jul 18
SSBBW May 15
This is extortion, pure and simple. These jerks at Lodsys are going after small de...
I need someone willing to do artificial insemination,to help me get pregnant I hav...
I highly doubt there’s a single person here that owns a D300 simply because it sho...
Starting out, you probably should select JPEG fine Large to shoot in … … It also h...
I didn’t know the difference between aperture and dentures.
Sure is amazing how small we can make things these days.
"/>Apple Unveils New 13.3 & 16.6 Inch MacBook Air Notebooks
Keep in mind that Apple’s penalty for losing the PC war in the 1990s is that it is...
Download Scrivener and try it for yourself. The trial runs for 30 days of actual u...
In both of these situations, even the most die-hard Android supporter would have t...
When Amazon and Kindle Sucks Mar 8
Remember that the sun is always shining; seeing it depends on whether you’re above...
I don’t think we’d have got to the moon without what IBM did, and I don’t think pe...
Scary Rails - delete_all run wild Jan 27
iPad stuck in recovery mode for NO reason? Jan 17
Bundler and C Extensions that need special flags Jan 16
We only calculate unread counts for items less than 30 days old… if you’ve waited ...
I am seeking a sperm donor for artifical insemination. The man would have no peren...
Unfortunately, the Mac App Store provides no such fail-safe. Sure, if you’re not c...
If you have selfish, ignorant citizens, you’re gonna get selfish, ignorant leaders...